Yesterday didn't start out so well.
Danielle and I were up most of the night. She had an on again, off again fever ranging from 101 degrees to 103 degrees. She was just miserable, poor baby.
To top it all off, around 3 am I started to feel strange. I had this piercing sharp pain in my lower abdomen that would hit really hard, then go away with no pain. It was so odd. It was so random, that I was able to sleep through some of it. Then when 'morning' came (for us that's about 6:30 am) it was MUCH worse.
I passed it off as just gas, and decided I'd be fine and I had better figure out when to take Danielle to the doctor for her fever.
Matt was pretty worried since this kind of pain for me is unusual. I convinced him I'd be ok and let him go to work. 7:00 rolls around and I'm hurting so much that I don't think I can even drive the kiddos to school. Luckily my Dad was still home, so he and my Mom came over and picked us ALL up. They dropped Annabelle and Gabriel off at school. I was getting much worse and Dad decided I needed to go to Urgent Care. So Mom took Danielle home and may take her to the doctor later if her fever wasn't getting better, and Dad drove me down-the-hill.
The drive sucked. Every bump make me hurt worse and the pain was still off and on every few minutes. Got to the new Urgent Care Center in Poway. Waited for 15 min until they opened at 9am. All this time I haven't eaten anything and I had only had 1/2 cup of coffee. Was in Urgent Care for only an hour, and I was in pain about half the time. Every time the Dr. walked in I was fine, whenever he left and the nurses were there, I was in agony. They took my blood (poor nurse, took her 4 times to find my teeny veins) then they gave me a lovely shot of a fabulous pain killer and scheduled an ultrasound.
Unfortunately, I was unable to have the ultrasound until 3:30pm. The Dr. was reluctant to send me home for fear that the pain would get worse, but there were no other ultrasound machines apparently until then.
The meds hit me about half-way home, I could still feel the pain, but it was a lot duller (is that a word?)
Got to my Mom's house and hung out on the couch the rest of the afternoon. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING until after my ultrasound. :( Watched a lot of TLC's What Not To Wear and HGTV's home shows. They make me happy.
Matt left work early to take me to my radiology appointment. I totally forgot that I was supposed to drink a bunch of water before my appointment, so since I was starving, I chugged a few bottles on the drive down.
To make this seemingly long story, a bit shorter.... got to the appointment. They checked my upper and lower abdomen and found the problem.
Lucky me, I had a ovarian cyst that had ruptured. Ouch. The pain I was experiencing was the process of the burst. I guess I'm happy it wasn't anything more serious. I was nervous about the possibility of surgery, understandably.
I don't know how or why I got this cyst. After reading up on it, I guess they're pretty common. But am I at higher risk since I have had my "tubes tied"? What do I do if this happens again? Who knows. I was just so relieved at being ok, that I neglected to ask a bunch of questions.
Now I am to make an appointment with my OG/GYN for follow-up. Hooray! Maybe she will know my future risks and possible complication. :(
And just in case you were wondering, Danielle is all better this morning. Her fever broke early this morning and she's back to her mischievous self. :)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Today I woke up bright and early... ready to tackle my house and kick it in gear.
I dropped off Annabelle at school, and went to work.
I started by moving almost everything out of my garage and onto my driveway. It now looks like I am having a yard sale. I'm half hoping that someone will walk by and "steal" some stuff for me. lol (not really)
I'm definetly not looking forward to the next part of this task.
Here's what I'm sorting through:
40% Matts tools
15% Photos and Paperwork
20% Keepsakes (USMC stuff, kids baby clothes, toys)
10% Holiday
5% Clothes that we don't have room for, don't fit, etc
1% Sporting goods
1% Furniture
3% I guess junk?
(please don't correct my math if my percentages don't add up to 100% Maybe there is room in my garage for air! hehehe
Wish me luck. I really shouldn't be blogging, I should be WORKING!!!
I dropped off Annabelle at school, and went to work.
I started by moving almost everything out of my garage and onto my driveway. It now looks like I am having a yard sale. I'm half hoping that someone will walk by and "steal" some stuff for me. lol (not really)
I'm definetly not looking forward to the next part of this task.
Here's what I'm sorting through:
40% Matts tools
15% Photos and Paperwork
20% Keepsakes (USMC stuff, kids baby clothes, toys)
10% Holiday
5% Clothes that we don't have room for, don't fit, etc
1% Sporting goods
1% Furniture
3% I guess junk?
(please don't correct my math if my percentages don't add up to 100% Maybe there is room in my garage for air! hehehe
Wish me luck. I really shouldn't be blogging, I should be WORKING!!!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Justice? We'll have to wait and see.
Se we get a phone call that some of my stolen belongings have been recovered. And then later on I read this news story. Seems too much of a coincidence... don't you think?
We had traced Matt's cell GPS to a San Diego address, and the news says she was heading to her home in San Diego... wow!
I haven't claimed my stuff yet, the detective who has it is off today, but wish me luck!!
Here's the news story:
Theft suspect sparks chase, crashes into van
7:12 a.m. July 9, 2008
POWAY: A woman who led authorities on a chase through Ramona and Poway yesterday afternoon was arrested after she crashed into the back of a van, deputies said.
The woman was suspected in a vehicle burglary at Grace Community Church on Barger Place in Ramona about 11:35 a.m. When deputies tried to stop her on southbound state Route 67, she drove away at speeds of more than 100 mph, sheriff's Sgt. Mike Strong said.
Poway deputies pursued the woman west on Poway Road, where she rear-ended a van carrying an adult and two children. The two vehicles' fenders locked and both hit a guardrail, crossed eastbound lanes and stopped.
The woman ran from her vehicle but was caught. Deputies extinguished a small fire that broke out in the engine compartment of her car, Strong said.
Those in the van had minor injuries that did not need treatment.
The woman, Katherine Hildebrand of San diego, was taken to a hospital for a leg injury. She was arrested on suspicion of vehicle burglary and felony evading officers, and is being investigated for a series of car break-ins around Poway, Ramona and Santee, Strong said.
–P.R. & A.M.
We had traced Matt's cell GPS to a San Diego address, and the news says she was heading to her home in San Diego... wow!
I haven't claimed my stuff yet, the detective who has it is off today, but wish me luck!!
Here's the news story:
Theft suspect sparks chase, crashes into van
7:12 a.m. July 9, 2008
POWAY: A woman who led authorities on a chase through Ramona and Poway yesterday afternoon was arrested after she crashed into the back of a van, deputies said.
The woman was suspected in a vehicle burglary at Grace Community Church on Barger Place in Ramona about 11:35 a.m. When deputies tried to stop her on southbound state Route 67, she drove away at speeds of more than 100 mph, sheriff's Sgt. Mike Strong said.
Poway deputies pursued the woman west on Poway Road, where she rear-ended a van carrying an adult and two children. The two vehicles' fenders locked and both hit a guardrail, crossed eastbound lanes and stopped.
The woman ran from her vehicle but was caught. Deputies extinguished a small fire that broke out in the engine compartment of her car, Strong said.
Those in the van had minor injuries that did not need treatment.
The woman, Katherine Hildebrand of San diego, was taken to a hospital for a leg injury. She was arrested on suspicion of vehicle burglary and felony evading officers, and is being investigated for a series of car break-ins around Poway, Ramona and Santee, Strong said.
–P.R. & A.M.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Home Sweet Home
Your home should be your sanctcuary, the place where you feel the most comfortable and safe.
Well... good feeling's gone, at least for me.
Let's start at the very beginning.
4th of July. INDEPENDANCE DAY. A fabulous day for Matt and I. A great reason to celebrate. Not only is it our Nations' day of indepenadance from England; this day also carries special meaning for us personally. It's the day we had our first kiss. 10 years ago. In fact, I had originally wanted to get married on the 4th of July for this reason.
So, this year, we decided to take the family to the San Diego County Fair to just hang out. No agenda, just plain "do-what-we-want-fun." We got there as soon as it opened. As I do everytime Matt and I are together, I put his cell phone and wallet in my purse, it just makes it easier for him to cary kids, etc. withour the extra stuff. Well, we spent only 3 hours playing the carnival games, looking at the sports theme room and seeing the animals. And then we were tired and hungry, so we took off.
Next stop, Taco Bell. Ahhh, that's good eatin'. Hey! It's better than "Fair Food." We used our debit card here and we called a few people on the way home, too.
As usual, all three kiddos fell asleep in the car by the time we pulled in the driveway. We woke Annabelle up and Matt and I carried in Gabe and Danielle and put them in their beds. Then we had to take care of a few things, like kids and potty, dogs with their water and letting them outside, and so on.
A half an hour passes and Matt needs his cell to call Kevin. I remember that I left my purse in the car. (Since I had to carry Danielle in, and I always hit her in the face when I lay her down if I have my purse on my shoulder, I didn't grab it.) So Matt checks in my car and can't find my purse. I figure I must've brought it in. So we search the house for a few minutes. Then, to save time, I call my cell to help in our hunt. Straight to voicemail. Weird, I knew it was on. So I call Matt's cell... voicemail. Hmmm.... we ALWAYS have service here at home.
At this point, I'm tearing the car apart looking for my purse, even though I am POSITIVE that I left it at my feet in the car. Then we both tear apart the house and make triple sure that the kiddos didn't "help" us bring it in.
No luck. It's most certainly stolen.
Now, I ask you. Who steals a purse off a floorboard of a car in broad daylight in the driveway of a cul-de-sac? What are the odds?
Whoever did this was paying CLOSE attention to us. I mean, they had to see us come home with sleeping kids and notice that I didn't have my purse to even consider walking up to my car to check inside. How brazen was this guy/gal?
They made off with a LOT of loot, too. My purse had my wallet, complete with driver license, etc, my cell, all my cute photos (some are irreplaceable), Matt's wallet, complete with license, firefighter id, Matt's car keys, credit cards, paychecks from Friday, Matt's work cell phone, $65 cash, checkbook, and my work entrance pass. What a disaster.
Needless to say, we're up a creek without a paddle. No one answers their phones on July 4th. Luckily, most businesses have 24 hour service, so we got our cards blocked within 30 min of the theft. Now I'm just worried that someone could cash Matt's paychecks before his work can replace them. That would be awful.
So, I'm a wreck. I know it's just stuff. That's not what bugs me the most. Almost everything can be replaced. I just feel:
a) stupid for leaving my purse in the car
b) guilty for having ALL Matt's stuff there
c) pissed at whoever is mean enough to do this
d) sad that someone is so desperate
e) scared to live here
This is my HOME!!! I don't even feel safe here, now. I am seriously considering survellance cameras and a security system. It's too late now. But let's face it, I'm not exactly in a prime location. Matt really wants to move now. He never liked 14th Street, but I talked him into living here, since I figured that our street was off the beaten path and cul-de-sacs should be safer.
Well... you live you learn. But it I start acting slightly more paranoid, you'll know why. Now I don't even want my kids to play with the neighbor kids since I suspect EVERYONE on my block. Hey, they could have heard us though the windows to know we were distracted and taken the chance. Who knows?
I'm not even comfortable here now that Matt's gone to the fire station, either. He's gone for 24 hours and I really don't want to be home alone every Saturday. This sucks.
I know it's mean, but I really hope that Karma is a true phenomone. I know that GOD is the only one toe bring justice and that prayer changes things. So, even though it's REALLY tough, I am praying for the poor soul who robbed us. Poor guy/girl. You have to be a sad person to do this. I hope they find peace in their heart to at least return Matt's wallet with id's. Keep the cash, that was totally my fault and it should serve as a lesson to me. But don't punish my husband. He didn't do anything wrong. I also really want my pictures back. I had a photo from Matt from the first week we were dating that he wrote a cute inscription on that always cheers me up.
I'm just really sad now. I don't know if I can find joy in the 4th of July if this is going to be my new memory of it.
I also hope that in time, I will find saftey in my house again. If I don't feel safe here, I don't know what I'll do. We certainly can't move again. We just got here! I want to raise my kids in a nice, quiet neighborhood, though. I'm at such a loss.
Please join me in prayer for the continues safety and well-being of our little family. And also, if you would, say a little prayer for the thief. She/He needs God a lot more than I do. I think knowing the Lord may help this person turn their life around.
God Bless you, everyone! :)
Well... good feeling's gone, at least for me.
Let's start at the very beginning.
4th of July. INDEPENDANCE DAY. A fabulous day for Matt and I. A great reason to celebrate. Not only is it our Nations' day of indepenadance from England; this day also carries special meaning for us personally. It's the day we had our first kiss. 10 years ago. In fact, I had originally wanted to get married on the 4th of July for this reason.
So, this year, we decided to take the family to the San Diego County Fair to just hang out. No agenda, just plain "do-what-we-want-fun." We got there as soon as it opened. As I do everytime Matt and I are together, I put his cell phone and wallet in my purse, it just makes it easier for him to cary kids, etc. withour the extra stuff. Well, we spent only 3 hours playing the carnival games, looking at the sports theme room and seeing the animals. And then we were tired and hungry, so we took off.
Next stop, Taco Bell. Ahhh, that's good eatin'. Hey! It's better than "Fair Food." We used our debit card here and we called a few people on the way home, too.
As usual, all three kiddos fell asleep in the car by the time we pulled in the driveway. We woke Annabelle up and Matt and I carried in Gabe and Danielle and put them in their beds. Then we had to take care of a few things, like kids and potty, dogs with their water and letting them outside, and so on.
A half an hour passes and Matt needs his cell to call Kevin. I remember that I left my purse in the car. (Since I had to carry Danielle in, and I always hit her in the face when I lay her down if I have my purse on my shoulder, I didn't grab it.) So Matt checks in my car and can't find my purse. I figure I must've brought it in. So we search the house for a few minutes. Then, to save time, I call my cell to help in our hunt. Straight to voicemail. Weird, I knew it was on. So I call Matt's cell... voicemail. Hmmm.... we ALWAYS have service here at home.
At this point, I'm tearing the car apart looking for my purse, even though I am POSITIVE that I left it at my feet in the car. Then we both tear apart the house and make triple sure that the kiddos didn't "help" us bring it in.
No luck. It's most certainly stolen.
Now, I ask you. Who steals a purse off a floorboard of a car in broad daylight in the driveway of a cul-de-sac? What are the odds?
Whoever did this was paying CLOSE attention to us. I mean, they had to see us come home with sleeping kids and notice that I didn't have my purse to even consider walking up to my car to check inside. How brazen was this guy/gal?
They made off with a LOT of loot, too. My purse had my wallet, complete with driver license, etc, my cell, all my cute photos (some are irreplaceable), Matt's wallet, complete with license, firefighter id, Matt's car keys, credit cards, paychecks from Friday, Matt's work cell phone, $65 cash, checkbook, and my work entrance pass. What a disaster.
Needless to say, we're up a creek without a paddle. No one answers their phones on July 4th. Luckily, most businesses have 24 hour service, so we got our cards blocked within 30 min of the theft. Now I'm just worried that someone could cash Matt's paychecks before his work can replace them. That would be awful.
So, I'm a wreck. I know it's just stuff. That's not what bugs me the most. Almost everything can be replaced. I just feel:
a) stupid for leaving my purse in the car
b) guilty for having ALL Matt's stuff there
c) pissed at whoever is mean enough to do this
d) sad that someone is so desperate
e) scared to live here
This is my HOME!!! I don't even feel safe here, now. I am seriously considering survellance cameras and a security system. It's too late now. But let's face it, I'm not exactly in a prime location. Matt really wants to move now. He never liked 14th Street, but I talked him into living here, since I figured that our street was off the beaten path and cul-de-sacs should be safer.
Well... you live you learn. But it I start acting slightly more paranoid, you'll know why. Now I don't even want my kids to play with the neighbor kids since I suspect EVERYONE on my block. Hey, they could have heard us though the windows to know we were distracted and taken the chance. Who knows?
I'm not even comfortable here now that Matt's gone to the fire station, either. He's gone for 24 hours and I really don't want to be home alone every Saturday. This sucks.
I know it's mean, but I really hope that Karma is a true phenomone. I know that GOD is the only one toe bring justice and that prayer changes things. So, even though it's REALLY tough, I am praying for the poor soul who robbed us. Poor guy/girl. You have to be a sad person to do this. I hope they find peace in their heart to at least return Matt's wallet with id's. Keep the cash, that was totally my fault and it should serve as a lesson to me. But don't punish my husband. He didn't do anything wrong. I also really want my pictures back. I had a photo from Matt from the first week we were dating that he wrote a cute inscription on that always cheers me up.
I'm just really sad now. I don't know if I can find joy in the 4th of July if this is going to be my new memory of it.
I also hope that in time, I will find saftey in my house again. If I don't feel safe here, I don't know what I'll do. We certainly can't move again. We just got here! I want to raise my kids in a nice, quiet neighborhood, though. I'm at such a loss.
Please join me in prayer for the continues safety and well-being of our little family. And also, if you would, say a little prayer for the thief. She/He needs God a lot more than I do. I think knowing the Lord may help this person turn their life around.
God Bless you, everyone! :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
the seven year itch
hahaha, yeah right!
Well, Matt and I made it! SEVEN years! Woohoo!
June 20, 2001 we were married in Lost Wages (*cough*) I mean Las Vegas.
and here we are, on our 6th home (3 apartments, 3 houses), three kiddos, 9 vehicles, 2 computers, 4 dogs, 1 cat (not all at the same time, mind you) and we are going strong!
I love my Matt more than words can ever express. And I know that he loves me.
There's really not much more to say. God has blessed us in so many ways and we are so thankful to be on this ride together.
Well, Matt and I made it! SEVEN years! Woohoo!
June 20, 2001 we were married in Lost Wages (*cough*) I mean Las Vegas.
and here we are, on our 6th home (3 apartments, 3 houses), three kiddos, 9 vehicles, 2 computers, 4 dogs, 1 cat (not all at the same time, mind you) and we are going strong!
I love my Matt more than words can ever express. And I know that he loves me.
There's really not much more to say. God has blessed us in so many ways and we are so thankful to be on this ride together.
life changes,
true love
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My baby girl!
Danielle is growing up and hitting all these milestones all this week!
May 2nd - First tooth, discovered by Tricia!
May 3rd - got up on her knees and scooted... backwards!
May 7th - woke up this morning yelling ( screaming and laughing) "Ma-Ma" over and over! hooray!
I can't wait to see what's next... then again, I'd like her to take her time. They're only babies for such a teeny amount of time.
Don't sweat the small stuff
Life's too short to get mad. GET EVEN!
hahaha. just kidding.
Okay, I'll admit it. I suck at conveying myself via email, typing, text messages, etc. Things that I write never come out the way that it would have sounded if it were spoken.
I usually end up pissing people off when I wasn't trying too.
Hey, maybe people need to lighten up. Perhaps I need to be more serious. Or a combination of both. Who knows?
Either way. I feel that if you have something to say, it's far better to pick up the phone, or meet in person than to put something in writing. It can be interpreted in SO many ways.
Perfect example is my previous post about the puppy.
In re-reading it, I see that it can be misleading that I'm upset or angry. I'm totally not!
I was quite surprised that Matt got a dog without checking with me first. I didn't have my cell with me on my shopping trip, so he couldn't get ahold of me. But I'm cool with it. Had he called and asked me first, I probably would still have said "yes." So it really doesn't matter. Sammy can use a playmate. He tends to behave better when he can hang out with another dog.
The puppy will only be a puppy for a little while. We all realize that.
By the way, Annabelle has named him "Li'l Chief," for those of you that care!
Here's a pic of him:
hahaha. just kidding.
Okay, I'll admit it. I suck at conveying myself via email, typing, text messages, etc. Things that I write never come out the way that it would have sounded if it were spoken.
I usually end up pissing people off when I wasn't trying too.
Hey, maybe people need to lighten up. Perhaps I need to be more serious. Or a combination of both. Who knows?
Either way. I feel that if you have something to say, it's far better to pick up the phone, or meet in person than to put something in writing. It can be interpreted in SO many ways.
Perfect example is my previous post about the puppy.
In re-reading it, I see that it can be misleading that I'm upset or angry. I'm totally not!
I was quite surprised that Matt got a dog without checking with me first. I didn't have my cell with me on my shopping trip, so he couldn't get ahold of me. But I'm cool with it. Had he called and asked me first, I probably would still have said "yes." So it really doesn't matter. Sammy can use a playmate. He tends to behave better when he can hang out with another dog.
The puppy will only be a puppy for a little while. We all realize that.
By the way, Annabelle has named him "Li'l Chief," for those of you that care!
Here's a pic of him:

Monday, May 5, 2008
This is what I get for leaving Matt to watch the kiddos for an entire day.
Sunday after church my sisters, Lesley, Stacey, Tricia and I decided to make a day of it and go to the mall. Not just any mall, but Fashion Valley. We had to show Tricia what a real outdoor San Diego mall is all about!
We had a blast! We went into all these chic stores where we couldn't afford a pair of socks... the had male models strategically placed, or maybe they were just customers. I couldn't tell the difference. I have zero style and did not fit in at all. Long story short, we ended up a JC Penny's and found out niche.
I shopped, checked the clock all day, and then sped off in Matt's new GMC to get to work on time.
I called Matt to check up on him and the kids. Asked him how HIS day was. He had fun they went to K-Mart, hung out and, oh yea. Got a puppy.
That's right, spur of the moment, impulse buy, can't say no. That's my hubby! I'm sure having Annabelle and Gabe jumping up and down, petting the pooch, and begging "Daddy, can we keep him?" didn't help much.
This little guy is cute, and I mean CUTE! He's a "mastador" (mastiff-labrador retriever mix) Looks like he's got a brindle/black coat and the ridge line on his back. Floppy ears, shiny eyes, the whole package. He even has a white chest and belly and one half white paw. Adorable!
According to Matt, he's 5 weeks old. Personally I think this is WAY too young to be taken from his mother. I look at my 7 month old baby girl and can't believe that this puppy is taken from Mom. He follows Sammy around and is sniffing his tummy looking for milk. Poor puppy (not to mention poor Sammy!) I'll keep you updated on his progress.
Now the important part. What to name this beast? Being that he's a cross-breed, we have no idea how big he will get. But giving his heritage, he's gonna be big. Mastiffs are generally HUGE!
Take a look:
From AKC - Mastiff

From AKC - Labrador Retriever

So the Renner-Zoo grows!
Sunday after church my sisters, Lesley, Stacey, Tricia and I decided to make a day of it and go to the mall. Not just any mall, but Fashion Valley. We had to show Tricia what a real outdoor San Diego mall is all about!
We had a blast! We went into all these chic stores where we couldn't afford a pair of socks... the had male models strategically placed, or maybe they were just customers. I couldn't tell the difference. I have zero style and did not fit in at all. Long story short, we ended up a JC Penny's and found out niche.
I shopped, checked the clock all day, and then sped off in Matt's new GMC to get to work on time.
I called Matt to check up on him and the kids. Asked him how HIS day was. He had fun they went to K-Mart, hung out and, oh yea. Got a puppy.
That's right, spur of the moment, impulse buy, can't say no. That's my hubby! I'm sure having Annabelle and Gabe jumping up and down, petting the pooch, and begging "Daddy, can we keep him?" didn't help much.
This little guy is cute, and I mean CUTE! He's a "mastador" (mastiff-labrador retriever mix) Looks like he's got a brindle/black coat and the ridge line on his back. Floppy ears, shiny eyes, the whole package. He even has a white chest and belly and one half white paw. Adorable!
According to Matt, he's 5 weeks old. Personally I think this is WAY too young to be taken from his mother. I look at my 7 month old baby girl and can't believe that this puppy is taken from Mom. He follows Sammy around and is sniffing his tummy looking for milk. Poor puppy (not to mention poor Sammy!) I'll keep you updated on his progress.
Now the important part. What to name this beast? Being that he's a cross-breed, we have no idea how big he will get. But giving his heritage, he's gonna be big. Mastiffs are generally HUGE!
Take a look:
From AKC - Mastiff

From AKC - Labrador Retriever

So the Renner-Zoo grows!
Sunday, May 4, 2008
My New Shift.
Praise the Lord!!!
A few weeks ago Matt and I had a heart to heart, and really made the decision that I had to change my schedule at work. I have been working the night shift at GEICO for two years now, and it has really put a strain on our marriage. Working from 5pm until about 2am was great in so many ways. I got to give the kids breakfast, get them bathed and dressed, take them to school, pick them up, hang out with them all day and get a lot of "chores" done as well. I was a stay-at-home-mom, at least according to all my neighbors who only saw me during the day.
But the not fun part is that Matt would get home at 4:30 and I would leave for work at 4:30. We turned into "revolving-door" parents. We NEVER saw each other. I would be at work and then get home around 2-ish. Everyone would be asleep and I would crash too. Then Matt would leave for work around 6:30 or 7am, while I was still asleep. So in 24 hours, we would see each other awake maybe 15 min. Not healthy, let me tell ya. This didn't just affect Matt and I, we know that it was not a good relationship for the kiddos either. They pretty much never had both parents at the same time. Annabelle and Gabriel would act different for me than they would for Matt, and when we would have a few hours together, the kids would be CRAZY!!! They didn't know how to behave with both Mom and Dad around.
Thankfully, with our recent move back home, to Ramona, we have the opportunity to both work a regular day shift. My Mom has offered (and I have accepted) to watch the munchkins during the days so I can work. My mother is SO amazing! Without her, I don't know what I would do. She has been there for me since Annabelle was born. She would baby-sit Annabelle when I worked at Pizza Hut, and when I swithed to Bank of America, too. When I had Gabriel, she took care of him as well. I cannot believe that she wants to watch all three babies. Matt and I are SO grateful, I just can't put it into words!
I was stressed for awhile. I had asked my supervisor right after Matt and I had our discussion, and asked for a day shift. My supe pretty much turned me down. She said that I can go back to being a customer service phone agent and I could get whatever shift I wanted. But I didn't want to go back on the phones. I just got this position in the Internet Department to escape the phones! Well... thankfully the gal who was going to take th day position in the inet dept had a change of heart, so I applied and another girl applied for it. There was only one spot available, so I begged for it, explaining the benefits to my family. The other gals reason for the shift was just as valid. Needless to say, we were both pretty nervous about who would get it. Well, I am SO very happy to say, that we BOTH got the shift! Can you believe it? Our supervisor and the day supe who woud get us, didn't want to choose one over the other, so they made it work so we both can go!!!!
I am so happy and relieved!!!
Praise the Lord! He truly can work miracles!
(and thanks to my Mother, because without her, I could never make this work!)
A few weeks ago Matt and I had a heart to heart, and really made the decision that I had to change my schedule at work. I have been working the night shift at GEICO for two years now, and it has really put a strain on our marriage. Working from 5pm until about 2am was great in so many ways. I got to give the kids breakfast, get them bathed and dressed, take them to school, pick them up, hang out with them all day and get a lot of "chores" done as well. I was a stay-at-home-mom, at least according to all my neighbors who only saw me during the day.
But the not fun part is that Matt would get home at 4:30 and I would leave for work at 4:30. We turned into "revolving-door" parents. We NEVER saw each other. I would be at work and then get home around 2-ish. Everyone would be asleep and I would crash too. Then Matt would leave for work around 6:30 or 7am, while I was still asleep. So in 24 hours, we would see each other awake maybe 15 min. Not healthy, let me tell ya. This didn't just affect Matt and I, we know that it was not a good relationship for the kiddos either. They pretty much never had both parents at the same time. Annabelle and Gabriel would act different for me than they would for Matt, and when we would have a few hours together, the kids would be CRAZY!!! They didn't know how to behave with both Mom and Dad around.
Thankfully, with our recent move back home, to Ramona, we have the opportunity to both work a regular day shift. My Mom has offered (and I have accepted) to watch the munchkins during the days so I can work. My mother is SO amazing! Without her, I don't know what I would do. She has been there for me since Annabelle was born. She would baby-sit Annabelle when I worked at Pizza Hut, and when I swithed to Bank of America, too. When I had Gabriel, she took care of him as well. I cannot believe that she wants to watch all three babies. Matt and I are SO grateful, I just can't put it into words!
I was stressed for awhile. I had asked my supervisor right after Matt and I had our discussion, and asked for a day shift. My supe pretty much turned me down. She said that I can go back to being a customer service phone agent and I could get whatever shift I wanted. But I didn't want to go back on the phones. I just got this position in the Internet Department to escape the phones! Well... thankfully the gal who was going to take th day position in the inet dept had a change of heart, so I applied and another girl applied for it. There was only one spot available, so I begged for it, explaining the benefits to my family. The other gals reason for the shift was just as valid. Needless to say, we were both pretty nervous about who would get it. Well, I am SO very happy to say, that we BOTH got the shift! Can you believe it? Our supervisor and the day supe who woud get us, didn't want to choose one over the other, so they made it work so we both can go!!!!
I am so happy and relieved!!!
Praise the Lord! He truly can work miracles!
(and thanks to my Mother, because without her, I could never make this work!)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Every day you are given is a gift from above...
What a day to appreciate the gifts the come from above.
Yesterday while listening to the radio, a beautiful song came on. I've heard it before, but it has never really moved me until yesterday. The song is by a group called "Superchick" and it's called "We Live." Take a listen:
Anyway, at the time I was listening to it, I was driving home from Dos Picos Park after a fun bike ride with Matt and Gabriel. It was a happy day so far, and yet this song made me think. Life is so very short, and you never really know when your last day here on Earth are.
Well, later after work, pretty much 12 hours after hearing this song I was driving by Mussey Grade Road, I had seen online that a fatal accident had occurred earlier in the evening. I slowed down to see if I could see any spray paint on the asphalt. As I was slowing down (there was no one there, since the accident happened at 9pm and I was coming home from work at 1:30am) and a firetruck comes barreling down the road and turns onto HWY 67 right in front of me. Thank goodness I had slowed down to "lookie-loo" or else it would have been a close one! God works in mysterious ways, I tell ya. Oddly enough, the accidnet happened in the saem spot where I had heard the song earlier.
I got home and saw that Matt was still awake. He's ALWAYS asleep when I get home, so this is not normal. I tell him that I followed a firetruck into town and my story about hearing about an earlier accident that may have saved me. I asked if he had heard about the accident at 9pm, since it was a fatality, and in Ramona, this news spreads fast.
He looks at me and responds, "Yeah, I was one of the first on scene." I was shocked! He was off duty from the fire department that day, and was driving home to visit his parents on Mt Woodson to celebrate their Easter service. He saw people on the side of the road looking confused and saw a motorcycle down.
I wasn't there, so I can't really tell this part of the story. But, I guess a motorcyclist was driving with a friend and he lost control. When Matt got there, he tried to revive him, but had no luck. So very sad. My prayers go out this this mans family and friends.
Now I know that Matt is really good a separating himself mentally from these situations. He's a trained firefighter and prior to that was an ambulance driver in the Marines, so he's seen a lot. But it has got to tear him up inside to witness this. I just thank God that it was Matt who was there, and not me. I would be so upset by this, I wouldn't have been much help. I know that Matt did everything that he could to help this man.
Please pray for the man who lost his life. I have no idea who he was or where he was from. Pray for his friend who was there with him. He has a long road to closure. The young mans family are also on my heart.
And lastly , please pray for Matt. He is so strong and has a great deal of respect for life. He also is wonderfully spiritual and realizes that only God knows when it is a persons time to go home.
Live each day as if it is your last. God Bless!
Yesterday while listening to the radio, a beautiful song came on. I've heard it before, but it has never really moved me until yesterday. The song is by a group called "Superchick" and it's called "We Live." Take a listen:
Anyway, at the time I was listening to it, I was driving home from Dos Picos Park after a fun bike ride with Matt and Gabriel. It was a happy day so far, and yet this song made me think. Life is so very short, and you never really know when your last day here on Earth are.
Well, later after work, pretty much 12 hours after hearing this song I was driving by Mussey Grade Road, I had seen online that a fatal accident had occurred earlier in the evening. I slowed down to see if I could see any spray paint on the asphalt. As I was slowing down (there was no one there, since the accident happened at 9pm and I was coming home from work at 1:30am) and a firetruck comes barreling down the road and turns onto HWY 67 right in front of me. Thank goodness I had slowed down to "lookie-loo" or else it would have been a close one! God works in mysterious ways, I tell ya. Oddly enough, the accidnet happened in the saem spot where I had heard the song earlier.
I got home and saw that Matt was still awake. He's ALWAYS asleep when I get home, so this is not normal. I tell him that I followed a firetruck into town and my story about hearing about an earlier accident that may have saved me. I asked if he had heard about the accident at 9pm, since it was a fatality, and in Ramona, this news spreads fast.
He looks at me and responds, "Yeah, I was one of the first on scene." I was shocked! He was off duty from the fire department that day, and was driving home to visit his parents on Mt Woodson to celebrate their Easter service. He saw people on the side of the road looking confused and saw a motorcycle down.
I wasn't there, so I can't really tell this part of the story. But, I guess a motorcyclist was driving with a friend and he lost control. When Matt got there, he tried to revive him, but had no luck. So very sad. My prayers go out this this mans family and friends.
Now I know that Matt is really good a separating himself mentally from these situations. He's a trained firefighter and prior to that was an ambulance driver in the Marines, so he's seen a lot. But it has got to tear him up inside to witness this. I just thank God that it was Matt who was there, and not me. I would be so upset by this, I wouldn't have been much help. I know that Matt did everything that he could to help this man.
Please pray for the man who lost his life. I have no idea who he was or where he was from. Pray for his friend who was there with him. He has a long road to closure. The young mans family are also on my heart.
And lastly , please pray for Matt. He is so strong and has a great deal of respect for life. He also is wonderfully spiritual and realizes that only God knows when it is a persons time to go home.
Live each day as if it is your last. God Bless!
Friday, April 25, 2008
mawidge is what bwings us togewer today
Ok, I love this movie (and if anyone wants to get it for me on DVD, I'll accept!)
It has nothing to do with the point of my post, however.
I don't think it's any secret that Matt and I are so much in love, even as we approach our 7th year of marriage (and are in our 8th year together.) When we got married, we were young, REALLY young. I think everyone thought we were really stupid jumping into this commitment as kids. I had just turned 19 and Matt was 21. We were babies!
And I think that we have definetly grown up a lot in this time. It helps that we had babies ourselves, right away. When you have to take care of this little person all by yourself, it make you realize how important every decision is that you make. We are a lot more mature even now that most of our friends in the same age group. (no offense people!)
What makes me really sad, it that a lot of my good friends have also been lucky in love and married as well. They are still young, too. What makes me so very sad, is that their marriages all had problems. Some issues showed up right away, and other took awhile to surface. I think that every marriage has it's rough spots. And what will make you successful in your union, is how you approach them. In my experience, communication is key.
Matt and I talk about EVERYTHING!!! And I mean, everything. We have discussions about where we want to be in one month, one year, five years, you get the idea. We talk about our kids, about assingment of chores, the dog, the cars, bills and paychecks, alcohol consumption, others marriages, others kids, our jobs, and our thoughts on Jesus and the afterlife. We never run out of things to talk about. Yeah, some of it's gossip. Who cares? And when I have a problem, I don't call my best friend, my Mom or my sister. I talk to Matt first. Even if the problem is with him. If I can't discuss it with him, what kind of marriage do we have?
And let me tell you, I have plenty of issues with my husband. Some things are teeny-tiny and others are pretty big. My buddies have called off their marriages completely for things "smaller" than issues we have. It makes me so sad.
I always knew that a good marriage was not going to an endless date where you get to spend the night with your boyfriend. It's real work. You're combining two totally different people with different backgrounds and upbringings and ideals. And you need to try to seam these things together. No one has everything in common. Thank goodness, that would be boring!!!
I have to say, I have never believed in the "d-word." It seriously hurts me to hear about couples separating. I know that there are some healthy reasons to call off you marriage. But some people give up so easily. It make me really sad. Hey, maybe you were never a match made in Heaven. It doesn't mean that you can't work towards that goal with your spouse.
And to quote one of my new favorite movies, "Enchanted"
“Oh, how long will they have to be separated?” she asks sympathetically, and then tears spring to her eyes: “Forever and ever?” Robert murmurs to her to hush, "because they’re in pain," and she says, “Of course they’re in pain—they’re being separated forever!” By now, the husband is dabbing at his eyes. Later in the movie the reunited couple reappears, now quite cuddly. The wife delivers this forthright line: “Everybody has problems, everybody has bad times. Do we sacrifice all the good times for that? No.”
Isn't a union for a lifetime such a beautiful thought? I know I want to be married to Matt "forever and ever". And he feels the same way. We talk about that, too. Instead of just saying, "I love you" all the time (which we do a lot of anyway), we will also just whisper to each other, "you're mine forever" or "you're totally stuck with me no matter what". I think it's cute, and it's a different affirmation of how we think of the future. I love it.
I support my friends 100%, no matter if they date for life, get married, divorced and married again, etc. I'm not judging them at all. I'm simply wondering how they went from stars in their eyes with their true love, to never discussing the fact that they were married for years. I guess I can't relate.
Matt and I don't even use the "d- word." It's just too depressing. Maybe we're old fashioned. And I like it that way.
the princess bride,
true love
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