Friday, October 17, 2008


Today I woke up bright and early... ready to tackle my house and kick it in gear.

I dropped off Annabelle at school, and went to work.

I started by moving almost everything out of my garage and onto my driveway. It now looks like I am having a yard sale. I'm half hoping that someone will walk by and "steal" some stuff for me. lol (not really)

I'm definetly not looking forward to the next part of this task.


Here's what I'm sorting through:

40% Matts tools
15% Photos and Paperwork
20% Keepsakes (USMC stuff, kids baby clothes, toys)
10% Holiday
5% Clothes that we don't have room for, don't fit, etc
1% Sporting goods
1% Furniture
3% I guess junk?

(please don't correct my math if my percentages don't add up to 100% Maybe there is room in my garage for air! hehehe

Wish me luck. I really shouldn't be blogging, I should be WORKING!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ick I hate cleaning!!!!!!!!!!! It's done now though, right???