Your home should be your sanctcuary, the place where you feel the most comfortable and safe.
Well... good feeling's gone, at least for me.
Let's start at the very beginning.
4th of July. INDEPENDANCE DAY. A fabulous day for Matt and I. A great reason to celebrate. Not only is it our Nations' day of indepenadance from England; this day also carries special meaning for us personally. It's the day we had our first kiss. 10 years ago. In fact, I had originally wanted to get married on the 4th of July for this reason.
So, this year, we decided to take the family to the San Diego County Fair to just hang out. No agenda, just plain "do-what-we-want-fun." We got there as soon as it opened. As I do everytime Matt and I are together, I put his cell phone and wallet in my purse, it just makes it easier for him to cary kids, etc. withour the extra stuff. Well, we spent only 3 hours playing the carnival games, looking at the sports theme room and seeing the animals. And then we were tired and hungry, so we took off.
Next stop, Taco Bell. Ahhh, that's good eatin'. Hey! It's better than "Fair Food." We used our debit card here and we called a few people on the way home, too.
As usual, all three kiddos fell asleep in the car by the time we pulled in the driveway. We woke Annabelle up and Matt and I carried in Gabe and Danielle and put them in their beds. Then we had to take care of a few things, like kids and potty, dogs with their water and letting them outside, and so on.
A half an hour passes and Matt needs his cell to call Kevin. I remember that I left my purse in the car. (Since I had to carry Danielle in, and I always hit her in the face when I lay her down if I have my purse on my shoulder, I didn't grab it.) So Matt checks in my car and can't find my purse. I figure I must've brought it in. So we search the house for a few minutes. Then, to save time, I call my cell to help in our hunt. Straight to voicemail. Weird, I knew it was on. So I call Matt's cell... voicemail. Hmmm.... we ALWAYS have service here at home.
At this point, I'm tearing the car apart looking for my purse, even though I am POSITIVE that I left it at my feet in the car. Then we both tear apart the house and make triple sure that the kiddos didn't "help" us bring it in.
No luck. It's most certainly stolen.
Now, I ask you. Who steals a purse off a floorboard of a car in broad daylight in the driveway of a cul-de-sac? What are the odds?
Whoever did this was paying CLOSE attention to us. I mean, they had to see us come home with sleeping kids and notice that I didn't have my purse to even consider walking up to my car to check inside. How brazen was this guy/gal?
They made off with a LOT of loot, too. My purse had my wallet, complete with driver license, etc, my cell, all my cute photos (some are irreplaceable), Matt's wallet, complete with license, firefighter id, Matt's car keys, credit cards, paychecks from Friday, Matt's work cell phone, $65 cash, checkbook, and my work entrance pass. What a disaster.
Needless to say, we're up a creek without a paddle. No one answers their phones on July 4th. Luckily, most businesses have 24 hour service, so we got our cards blocked within 30 min of the theft. Now I'm just worried that someone could cash Matt's paychecks before his work can replace them. That would be awful.
So, I'm a wreck. I know it's just stuff. That's not what bugs me the most. Almost everything can be replaced. I just feel:
a) stupid for leaving my purse in the car
b) guilty for having ALL Matt's stuff there
c) pissed at whoever is mean enough to do this
d) sad that someone is so desperate
e) scared to live here
This is my HOME!!! I don't even feel safe here, now. I am seriously considering survellance cameras and a security system. It's too late now. But let's face it, I'm not exactly in a prime location. Matt really wants to move now. He never liked 14th Street, but I talked him into living here, since I figured that our street was off the beaten path and cul-de-sacs should be safer.
Well... you live you learn. But it I start acting slightly more paranoid, you'll know why. Now I don't even want my kids to play with the neighbor kids since I suspect EVERYONE on my block. Hey, they could have heard us though the windows to know we were distracted and taken the chance. Who knows?
I'm not even comfortable here now that Matt's gone to the fire station, either. He's gone for 24 hours and I really don't want to be home alone every Saturday. This sucks.
I know it's mean, but I really hope that Karma is a true phenomone. I know that GOD is the only one toe bring justice and that prayer changes things. So, even though it's REALLY tough, I am praying for the poor soul who robbed us. Poor guy/girl. You have to be a sad person to do this. I hope they find peace in their heart to at least return Matt's wallet with id's. Keep the cash, that was totally my fault and it should serve as a lesson to me. But don't punish my husband. He didn't do anything wrong. I also really want my pictures back. I had a photo from Matt from the first week we were dating that he wrote a cute inscription on that always cheers me up.
I'm just really sad now. I don't know if I can find joy in the 4th of July if this is going to be my new memory of it.
I also hope that in time, I will find saftey in my house again. If I don't feel safe here, I don't know what I'll do. We certainly can't move again. We just got here! I want to raise my kids in a nice, quiet neighborhood, though. I'm at such a loss.
Please join me in prayer for the continues safety and well-being of our little family. And also, if you would, say a little prayer for the thief. She/He needs God a lot more than I do. I think knowing the Lord may help this person turn their life around.
God Bless you, everyone! :)
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