hahaha. just kidding.
Okay, I'll admit it. I suck at conveying myself via email, typing, text messages, etc. Things that I write never come out the way that it would have sounded if it were spoken.
I usually end up pissing people off when I wasn't trying too.
Hey, maybe people need to lighten up. Perhaps I need to be more serious. Or a combination of both. Who knows?
Either way. I feel that if you have something to say, it's far better to pick up the phone, or meet in person than to put something in writing. It can be interpreted in SO many ways.
Perfect example is my previous post about the puppy.
In re-reading it, I see that it can be misleading that I'm upset or angry. I'm totally not!
I was quite surprised that Matt got a dog without checking with me first. I didn't have my cell with me on my shopping trip, so he couldn't get ahold of me. But I'm cool with it. Had he called and asked me first, I probably would still have said "yes." So it really doesn't matter. Sammy can use a playmate. He tends to behave better when he can hang out with another dog.
The puppy will only be a puppy for a little while. We all realize that.
By the way, Annabelle has named him "Li'l Chief," for those of you that care!
Here's a pic of him:

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