This is what I get for leaving Matt to watch the kiddos for an entire day.
Sunday after church my sisters, Lesley, Stacey, Tricia and I decided to make a day of it and go to the mall. Not just any mall, but Fashion Valley. We had to show Tricia what a real outdoor San Diego mall is all about!
We had a blast! We went into all these chic stores where we couldn't afford a pair of socks... the had male models strategically placed, or maybe they were just customers. I couldn't tell the difference. I have zero style and did not fit in at all. Long story short, we ended up a JC Penny's and found out niche.
I shopped, checked the clock all day, and then sped off in Matt's new GMC to get to work on time.
I called Matt to check up on him and the kids. Asked him how HIS day was. He had fun they went to K-Mart, hung out and, oh yea. Got a puppy.
That's right, spur of the moment, impulse buy, can't say no. That's my hubby! I'm sure having Annabelle and Gabe jumping up and down, petting the pooch, and begging "Daddy, can we keep him?" didn't help much.
This little guy is cute, and I mean CUTE! He's a "mastador" (mastiff-labrador retriever mix) Looks like he's got a brindle/black coat and the ridge line on his back. Floppy ears, shiny eyes, the whole package. He even has a white chest and belly and one half white paw. Adorable!
According to Matt, he's 5 weeks old. Personally I think this is WAY too young to be taken from his mother. I look at my 7 month old baby girl and can't believe that this puppy is taken from Mom. He follows Sammy around and is sniffing his tummy looking for milk. Poor puppy (not to mention poor Sammy!) I'll keep you updated on his progress.
Now the important part. What to name this beast? Being that he's a cross-breed, we have no idea how big he will get. But giving his heritage, he's gonna be big. Mastiffs are generally HUGE!
Take a look:
From AKC - Mastiff

From AKC - Labrador Retriever

So the Renner-Zoo grows!